Defining Intimacy

Defining Intimacy

  Intimacy is a topic often left for quiet, private conversations. Most commonly we use the word when discussing sex, a subject still considered taboo in many circles. But what is intimacy, really?   Consider a moment in your life when you felt safe with...
Signs of Teen Anxiety You may be Overlooking

Signs of Teen Anxiety You may be Overlooking

The teenage years are characterized by intense change. Your child’s body is changing from a child to an adult, their brains are developing and their hormones are in a constant state of flux. This time period can also be marked with emotional mood swings and...
Could Social Media be Linked to Depression?

Could Social Media be Linked to Depression?

The mental health professionals of CBT Counseling Centers have helped a great number of individuals experiencing some form of depression.  For years, we have suspected that some of the rise in the number of cases of depression is linked to time spent on social media. ...