Couples Counseling in Biltmore Village, NC

Things in our lives that have value are worth fighting for. Things of great value—whether inherited possessions from loved-ones or the abstract but no less real love we have with a partner—deserve our most committed effort. In modern society, we place value on healthy, lasting and primary relationships. From childhood, we watch and read many stories with fairytales of everlasting love. Why? Because we instinctively know that connecting with someone on a deeper level allows us to feel truly known, safe, and loved. When individuals become couples, they create the potential for deep and abiding love. However, because relationships are inherently complicated, couples often find themselves at a loss when problems and issues arise that threaten the solidity of their relationship. CBT Counseling Centers offers expert couples counseling to those living in the Biltmore Village, NC area.

Experienced Couples Counselors near Biltmore Village, NC

Over time, it is natural for relationships to develop difficulty. When this happens, it can be incredibly helpful for couples to seek the help of a professionally trained couples therapist who can provide insights into the causes of their difficulties and potential strategies for addressing them. Often, couples who find themselves in need of this type of support benefit from the perspective of a neutral, but invested, third-party. Several of the most common issues that our team at CBT Counseling Centers helps couples navigate include:

  • Impact of anxiety and/or depression on a relationship
  • Ways to improve communication
  • Dealing with a breakdown of trust
  • Infidelity
  • Intimacy issues
  • Increased conflict

Use of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Couples Counseling

Our approach to couples counseling is often a therapeutic intervention known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Cognitive behavioral therapy is an effective counseling intervention that is based on challenging ineffective, unhealthy, and/or self-defeating thoughts and behaviors. Our counselors employ a rational approach to their work with our clients, which results in the encouragement of our clients which in turn employs their critical thinking skills to examine the issues in question. Because of the naturally complicated nature of couples’ relationships, cognitive behavioral therapy can be extremely effective in assisting each partner to understand their own perceptions of their relationship with greater clarity.

Another benefit of cognitive behavioral therapy is that the benefits often reach beyond the initial reason our clients begin working with us. This is because our thoughts have an impact on virtually every aspect of our lives. When we address the perceptions that may be problematic for us in one aspect of our lives, we often see benefits from challenging sub-optimal perceptions in other aspects of our lives.

Couples Counseling Center Located Near Biltmore Village, NC

If your relationship is experiencing difficulty of any kind, couples counseling from the licensed counselors and therapists at CBT Counseling Centers near Biltmore Village, NC can help you get back in touch with what brought you together in the first place. Feel free to reach out to us at our East Asheville office at (828) 350-1177 or our West Asheville office at (828) 232-8934.