Depression Treatment in Fairview NC

It is perfectly normal to have days when you feel sad, lonely and even depressed at times. We all have bad days and feel like the deck is stacked against us. However, when these feelings become overwhelming, impact your day to day life or manifest in physical symptoms, it might be time for you to seek medical help. Common symptoms of depression include difficulty concentrating, intense feelings of sadness, guilt or helplessness, insomnia or sleeping more than usual, loss of appetite, feelings of pessimism, irritability, anxiousness and suicidal thoughts or actions. Realizing that you need professional help to cope with your depression is a big step. CBT Counseling Centers specializes in using cognitive behavioral therapy as a form of depression treatment in Fairview, NC for adults, teens and children.

Take the First Step Toward Depression Treatment in Fairview, NC

There are many barriers to seeking depression treatment in Fairview, NC. As much as it might be changing, there may still be a stigma about mental illness in your community, or you may not realize how much your symptoms are interfering with your daily life. We make seeking depression treatment in Fairview, NC easier than you might think. Our team of professionals works with each and every one of our clients to develop a plan for depression treatment in Fairview, NC that is tailored to their specific needs. We listen to your experience, your symptoms and your goals for therapy and help you achieve the successes and milestones that you are looking for. You are not alone and you can finally feel better. CBT Counseling Centers provides the best depression treatment in Fairview, NC.

How Does CBT Work as an Effective Depression Treatment in Fairview, NC?

CBT Counseling Centers’ depression treatment in Fairview, NC is based on the model of cognitive behavioral therapy, an evidence based approach to mental health treatment. Cognitive behavioral therapy can be used alone or in conjunction with medical therapy. Your therapist will work with you to identify negative thoughts or thoughts that are simply not true and replace these with more positive and healthy thoughts. Over time, changing your thoughts can also help change your behavior and reduce feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and inadequacy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a highly effective form of depression treatment in Fairview, NC that gives you tools that you can use for the rest of your life.

Ready for Depression Treatment in Fairview, NC?

If you are ready to take the very important step and seek depression treatment in Fairview, NC, reach out to the team at CBT Counseling Centers. We offer personalized and highly effective depression treatment in Fairview, NC. We have two convenient locations in Asheville, NC and accept most insurance. For more information about depression treatment in Fairview, NC, call our team today at 828-350-1177.